Locating Google Wallet ID #




  • Ibrahim Osman

    hi the settings option is not available in my phone and when i go to the google payments, i can't see any options on the left side why ?


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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello Ibrahim!

    Viewing a website on your mobile device will often load an optimized mobile website version instead of the full desktop web page (as seen in the screenshots/videos above). These mobile websites on mobile devices often do not contain the full view and features for the desktop version of the webpage.

    When you sign in to https://payments.google.com/payments/home#oneTimePurchase with the primary Android Developer Account login username/password on a mobile device, you should see a screen with the text ‘Completed Purchases’. Tap on the amount paid to see the Google Wallet Transaction ID # on the following page!


    If you do not see the ‘Completed Purchases’ or the Google Wallet Transaction ID # on the next page, that could indicate you are not signed in to a Google Account that has been upgraded to a paid Android Developer Account, or it could mean you are signed into a Gmail Account as an authorized user which does not have access to view this financial account information.

    If you need further assistance locating your Google Wallet ID #, we recommend contacting our Support Team directly at support@mobileroadie.com!

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