iPhone & Android Theme Assets
All images should be provided as PNGs with transparency when desired and supported.
Manage - App Vitals
App Icon
512 x 512 pixels
Apple will automatically round the corners.
Icon Gloss can be turned On or Off.
This image does not support transparency.
iPhone/Android Loader Image
640 x 960 pixels
This image displays while the app is loading.
This image does not support transparency.
Design - Menu & Styles
On this page one can manage global styles for ones app as well as set color options, icons and buttons.
Home Header
640 pixels x any height
The Home Header image will lock to the top of the home screen and continue down as far as the image goes. One should avoid going further down than the top of the navigation to avoid interfering with navigation fictionality. This is a great image to use for logos or branding one wants omnipresent on the home screen. It will remain locked on top of all other home screen layers.
Button Background
size depends on the home screen navigation grid layout
Button Backgrounds should be provided at the appropriate size to fill the width of the screen at 640 x 960 pixels.
If padding is desired between buttons, this padding should be included in the Button Background image.
640 pixels x any height
The grid Canvas will lock to the top of the home screen footer and continue up as far as the image goes. In cases where one wants an overlay to continue to the top of the screen, one should provide an image of 640 x 1100 pixels to accommodate the variety of screen sizes on Android devices.
Home Background
640 x 960 pixels
This image does not support transparency. It is the image that will display behind the Home Gallery images. Assuming Home Gallery images have transparency in them, they will show through to the Home Background.
Global Header
640 x 88 pixels
This image does not support transparency. It will be used as the header bar on all internal views.
Design - Navigation
On this page one can organize ones sections as well as edit design features on a section specific basis. Change the name of a section, chose an alternate icon for the section or turn icons off entirely.
Custom Buttons & Icons
size depends on the home screen navigation grid layout
In the case that one wants to have custom icons or different button images per section, one can upload these assets through editing a specific section. If the primary goal is a custom icon or non standard button text, these should be baked into the desired button background and uploaded as one file. Set the default icon to hide and upload a single asset with the button background, custom icon and custom text. This will replace any default settings chosen or uploaded in the Menu & Styles section.
Design - Backgrounds
On this page one can upload background images for a variety of sections as well as edit which images are assigned to which sections.
Section Backgrounds
640 x 960 pixels
These images do not support transparency. These images will display behind content in any section they are assigned to. Row colors and table colors will automatically turn semi transparent to show the background image if one is uploaded and assigned to a section.
Design - Pre-Roll Video
Pre-Roll Video
640 x 960 pixels
This video should be between 1 and 5 seconds in length and should be uploaded as either an MPEG or Quicktime MOV file format. The video will play automatically for all users any time they launch the app.
Home Gallery Images
640 x 960 pixels
Image supports transparency and will show the home background image when transparency is included.
These images can be swiped manually by users or set to auto transition in a variety of slide show styles. They can be designed to slide seamlessly from one to the next.
Biography Header Image
640 x 300 pixels
This image displays at the top of the Biography section and acts as a great place to include branding or relevant photos. This image does not support transparency.
Menu Header Image
640 x 300 pixels
This image displays at the top of the Menus section and acts as a great place to include branding or relevant photos. This image does not support transparency.
Music Header Image
640 x 300 pixels
This image displays at the top of the Music section and acts as a great place to include branding or relevant photos. This image does not support transparency.
Feature Image
640 pixels x any height
This image displays in a list view in the Features section. It can be branded or styled any way one likes and links to selected content from inside the app. Features are a great way of brining important content to the forefront and the Features section can support any desired number of Feature images.
Category Header Image
640 x 300 pixels
This image displays at the top of the Category views and acts as a sort of feature image to link directly to content from that category. If there are multiple category headers they will auto rotate through at the top of the screen. This image does not support transparency.
Category Thumbnail Image
100 x 100 pixels
This image displays as a thumbnail image on the left side of a Category list view under the category header images. The category name will display next to this image. This image does not support transparency.
iPhone & Android Options
Options and settings available for iPhone & Android.
Design - Customize - Menu & Styles - Button Styles
• List of Navigation Icons
• List of Button Backgrounds
• Uploader
• Text Color Picker
• Button Color Overlay Picker
• Show Button Text On or Off
• Uploader
Design - Customize - Menu & Styles - Home Screen
• Footer Color Picker
• Uploader
• Uploader
Design - Customize - Menu & Styles - Global Styles
• Color Theme Dropdown
• Nav Bar Color Picker
• Tab BG Color Picker
• Table BG Color Picker
• Even Row Color Picker
• Odd Row Color Picker
• Separator Color Picker
• Title Text Color Picker
• Global Text Color Picker
• Alternate Text Color Picker
• List of Fonts
• List of Header Bar Styles
• Uploader
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