iPad Theme Assets
All images should be provided as PNGs with transparency when desired and supported.
Manage - App Vitals
App Icon
512 x 512 pixels
Apple will automatically round the corners.
Icon Gloss can be turned On or Off.
This image does not support transparency.
iPad Loader Image
2048 x 1536 pixels
This image displays while the app is loading.
This image does not support transparency.
Design - iPad Only - Customizer
On this page one can manage global styles for ones app as well as set color options, navigation styles and navigation icons.
Home Header
2048 pixels x any height
The Home Header image will lock to the top of the home screen and continue down as far as the image goes. This is a great image to use for logos or branding one wants omnipresent on the home screen. Widgets and the icons in the top right will sit on top of this image.
Home Background
2048 x 1536 pixels
This image does not support transparency. It is the image that will display behind the Home Gallery images. Assuming Home Gallery images have transparency in them, they will show through to the Home Background.
Navigation Bar
asset can be three different sizes depending on user selection
92 x 88 pixels small
136 x 132 pixels medium
180 x 176 pixels large
This image does not support transparency. It will tile to fill the main navigation header bar in all internal views.
Design - Navigation
On this page one can organize ones sections as well as edit design features on a section specific basis such as changing section names.
Custom Static Widget Images
size depends on the selected widget set
This image will cause any dynamic widgets to be replaced with a static widget. Static widgets will display this image in the manner specified for the particular widget.
Design - Backgrounds
On this page one can upload background images for a variety of sections as well as edit which images are assigned to which sections.
Section Backgrounds
2048 x 1536 pixels
These images do not support transparency. These images will display behind content in any section they are assigned to. If no image is uploaded the app will display the selected default background image.
Modal Background
1080 x 1240 pixels
This image does not support transparency. This image will display behind content in any modal. If no image is uploaded the app will display the selected default background image.
Music Player Background
900 x 520 pixels
This image does not support transparency. This image will display behind content in the music player popover on the home screen. If no image is uploaded the app will display the selected default background image.
Home Gallery Images
2048 x 1536 pixels
Image supports transparency and will show the home background image when transparency is included. These images can be swiped manually by users or set to auto transition in a variety of slide show styles. They can be designed to slide seamlessly from one to the next.
iPad Options
Options and settings available for iPad.
Design - iPad Only - Customizer - Home Screen
• Uploader
• List of Widget Themes
Design - iPad Only - Customizer - Global Styles
Select Global Background
• List of Background Images
Design - iPad Only - Customizer - Universal Navigation
• Uploader
• List of Navigation Bar Themes
• List of Navigation Icon Themes
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