The Appearance tab, found in the CMS under Build>{section}>Appearance, contains options specific to that section to edit the layout, CMS sorting order, currency, and artwork to be displayed in that section. While most sections contain basic Appearance settings, the Appearance tab is not available for all sections.
Appearance Options
CMS Content Sort Order allows content in the CMS/app to be sorted based on different criteria such as newer items first, older items first, or sorted manually!
Show Newer Items First - Content recently uploaded or with the most recent date is displayed at the top of the CMS/app sectionShow Older Items First - Content recently uploaded or with the most recent date is displayed at the bottom of the CMS/app section
Sort Alphabetically A-Z (List/Directory only) - Sort content alphabetically
Sort Manually - Manually drag/drop content into the desired order
Sort manually, by album (Audio only) - Audio content is organized into album Manually drag/drop content into the desired
Sort Alphabetically, by album (Audio only) - Content is sorted by Album, then alphabetically within each album
Show by First Name (Speakers only) - Organize Speakers content by speakers first name
Show by Last name Speakers only) - Organize Speakers content by speakers last name
Section Layout - change the layout of content within the section
Home Gallery
Home Gallery Style - Set the display of Home Gallery Images to Swipe or Slideshow
Swipe - Users tap and swipe left or right to view the next Home Gallery image
Slideshow - Home gallery images are displayed as a slideshow. Images can be set to fade, Move in from top, Move in from left, or Move in from right every 1, 3, or 5 seconds.
Categories Appearance - Set the category layout to Grid or List
Menu Currency (Menus) - Set the Menu Section currency
Artwork - Upload Background and header Images for your app's sections and widgets (iPad)
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